Sri Lanka
Transformation Yoga Retreat (8D6N)
2023 Tour : 7th-14th NOV 2023
2024 Tour : 20th - 27th JAN 2024
斯里蘭卡 自我成長與蛻變 瑜伽退修營
We believe, healing happens when we show up authentically to understand and accept ourselvesfully. So we created Reset Body& Mind with the intention of welcoming anyone who is trying to learn from yoga, breathwork, reiki & social psychology. We aim to merge ancient tools with contemporary language to make habit-building, practical &accessible. We invite you to show up as yourself and let us hold space for you to flourish.
念來 則觀之
一口茶 一行禪
Highlights 概覽:
▍明確的5天retreat 退修營主題
從開始時調整我們的内在意識; 然後一起經歷探索、和解與接納; 直至漸漸進行轉化,繼而創造; 學生們一起互相彼此連結與成長; 最後由内至外作出蛻變
▍5 Clear Objectives in this Transformation Journey
Attune - Explore - Accept - Rest - Let In - Connect & Grown - Embody
包括10-12個瑜伽、呼吸、正念與身心靈療療工作坊: 例如 Yin Yoga,Asana, Reiki, Sound Healing, Pranayama, Tummo Breathing, Mindful Walk at Tea Plantation, Mandala 等等 (有可能按學員的背景與能力及程度作調整)
▍Integrated Yoga & Mind-Body Spiritual Workshops
10-12 workshops e.g. Yin Yoga , Asana , Reikik , Sound Healing, Pranayama, Tummo Breathing, Mindful Walk at Tea Plantation, Mandala etc ( The workshops are suject to change according to the students background, ability and levels.)
退修儀式 , 終結及感激這幾天的身心靈與能量的更新與交換
可可儀式(Cacao Ceremony) : 追溯到 4-5千年前的中美洲瑪雅和阿茲特克文化,在古代文明與智慧的脈絡中以感恩、有目的性地和互惠的方式與可可建立聯繫,藉此讓每一位學員打開心房、重新與自己的內心建立聯繫、處理我們的人際關係,並帶著光與清晰願景的引領下,有目的經歷生活中每一個片段
▍Ceremonies & Rituals
Welcome Ceremony - it also allows each student to understand the purposes & outcomes they can expect after this yoga
Closing Ceremony - to wrap up & appreciate the renewal and exchange of body, mind, soul and energy in these days
Cacao Ceremony - to foster the grounding and heart-opening properties of cacao. The goal is to communally uplift mood, increase vitality, and open the heart and intuition, along with other personal spiritual intentions.
▍Spa 療程
從海洋與斯里蘭卡傳統養生智慧中擷取靈感的一節Spa 療程; 讓每位學員得到跟極致的身心靈放鬆
▍Bliss Spa Treatment
A Bliss way to get relax and recharge, a rich body warp followed with a relaxing massage and purifying bath to detoxify and rejuvenate your body and soul
遊覽世界文化遺產 又充滿異國情調的Galle Fort 加勒古城 ;欣賞高蹺漁夫 與 探訪海龜養殖基地、體驗 千與千尋 海邊小火車、科倫坡殖民文化與當地生活體驗
▍Explore Sri Lankan Culture
Negombo - Colombo - UNESCO Galle Fort - Ceylon Tea Factory & Plantation - Stilt Fishig - Sea Turtle Hatchery - Coastal Train Journey
▍入住名建築師 Geoffrey Bawa 酒店 - The Blue Water Hotel & Spa
翻開亞洲建築師花名冊,杰弗裡·巴瓦(Geoffrey Bawa)是一個無法繞開的名字。他是斯里蘭卡最多產和最具影響力的建築師,被譽為“斯里蘭卡之光”。在斯里蘭卡,巴瓦設計越來越成為一道道不可錯過的風景。他的建築作品是斯里蘭卡傳統和現代相結合的樣板建築,自成體系,從歐美現代建築的角度來看,雖然採用現代建築的手法,卻沒有太多刻板的教條。的空間特質,大膽地將許多工藝品,織布,民俗家具,雕塑,水池,植栽,岩石等元素安排在建築中,可以說開啟了亞洲現代建築中“混搭”(Mashup)的風格。這種風格的形成肯定和巴瓦個人的多國混血背景有相當大的關係
▍ Staying in Designer Hotel - by Famous Architect - Geoffrey Bawa
The Sri Lankan Architect Geoffrey Bawa is now regarded as having been one of the most important and influential Asian architects of the twentieth century. The Blue Water Wadduwa holds an iconic positioning as one Of Geoffrey Bawa’s Finest Architectural Expressions, reflecting his undeniable sensitivity to nature and light.
Bawa deconstructs the barriers between interior design and landscape architecture, making The Blue Water another example of Bawa’s minimalist style. His use of space, lengthy corridors, open views, use of water, terracotta tiles and frangipani trees make this location icon in his repertoire.
Schedule 日程:
D1 抵達斯里蘭卡 – 尼甘部入住酒店 Arrival Sri Lanka - Hotel at Negombo
按航班時間 (下午或晚上)抵達斯里蘭卡科倫坡機場, 由當地導遊及遊旅專車接送往尼甘部酒店入住。 當晚如需晚餐, 請個旅人敬請自理
On your arrival in Sri Lanka, you will be met at the airport by our chauffeur/guide and transferred to Negombo
Hotel check-in , relax and enjoy your free time
Hotel: Heritance Negombo ( or Similar )
Breakfast : - Lunch: - Dinner: -
D2 尼甘部 – 瑜伽退修酒店 Negmobo - Yoga Retreat Hotel
早餐後, 各旅人可自由享受自由時間, 在沙灘漫步、游泳池暢泳、草地上做瑜伽, 做您喜歡的事情,享受專屬自己的ME TIME
Enjoy your ME TIME after breakfast
Theme of Today: Attune
Let’s start by inviting the power of intention and action by coming together in ceremony & meditation.
11:00 | 出發前往 尼甘部城市遊覽 Negmobo City tour
12:30 | 進行午餐 Lunch
13:30 | 出發前往瑜伽退修酒店 Heading to Yoga Retreat Hotel
14:30 | 歡迎儀式 、 導師介紹、簡介是次瑜伽退休營内容 Opening Ceremony
17:00 | 日落瑜伽 / 冥想 / 呼吸練習 Sunset Session - Intro to pranayama & meditation
18:30 | 晚餐 Dinner
Hotel: The Blue Water Hotel & Spa (or Similar)
Breakfast:In Hotel Lunch:Local Restaurant Dinner:In Hotel
D3 瑜伽退修酒店 Yoga Retreat Hotel
Theme of Today: Explore
Let’s begin to create a connection between the mind & body through the breath so we can learn how to explore ourselves without fear.
07:30 | 早晨瑜伽 / 冥想 / 呼吸練習練習 Morning Session - Dynamic breath (breathwork & yoga)
09:00 | 進行早餐 Breakfast
10:30 | 早上工作坊 Morning Workshop
13:00 | 進行午餐 Lunch
14:30 | 心靈能量治療工作坊 Reiki Healing
17:00 | 日落瑜伽 / 冥想 / 呼吸練習 Sunset Session - Meridians & Yin yoga 經絡與陰瑜伽
18:30 | 晚餐 Dinner
Hotel: The Blue Water Hotel & Spa (or Similar)
Breakfast:In Hotel Lunch:In Hotel Dinner:In Hotel
D4 瑜伽退修酒店 Yoga Retreat Hotel
Theme of Today: Accept
Life begins when we accept ourselves completely. Let us spend the day trusting our path.
07:30 | 早晨瑜伽 / 冥想 / 呼吸練習練習 Sunrise Yoga / Meditation / Breathwork Session
09:00 | 進行早餐 Breakfast
10:30 | 出發前往遊覽高蹺漁夫 Sight-seeing - Stilt Fishing
13:00 | 進行午餐 Lunch
14:30 | 遊覽世界文化遺產Galle Fort 加勒古城 Vist UNESCO Galle Fort
17:00 | 聲音療法 工作坊 Soung Healing Workshops
19:00 | 晚餐 Dinner
Hotel: The Blue Water Hotel & Spa (or Similar)
Breakfast:In Hotel Lunch:Local Restaurant Dinner:In Hotel
D5 瑜伽退修酒店 Yoga Retreat Hotel
Theme of Today: Let go & Let in
Learn the power of surrender through subtle movement and mindfulness workshop
07:30 | 早晨瑜伽 / 冥想 / 呼吸練習練習 Sunrise Yoga / Meditation / Breathwork Session
09:00 | 進行早餐 Breakfast
10:30 | 探訪海龜養殖基地 Visit Sea Turtle Hatchery
13:00 | 進行午餐 Lunch
14:00 | 前往參觀錫蘭茶廠與茶園+ 正念工作坊 Visit Ceylon Tea Factory & Tea Plantation + Mindfulness Workshop
19:00 | 晚餐 Lunch
Hotel: The Blue Water Hotel & Spa (or Similar)
Breakfast:In Hotel Lunch:Local Restaurant Dinner:In Hotel
D6 瑜伽退修酒店 Yoga Retreat Hotel
Theme of Today: Connection, Grow & Embody
We are communal beings, let us explore the power of community together.
07:30 | 早晨瑜伽 / 冥想 / 呼吸練習練習 Sunrise session - Meditation & partner yoga
09:00 | 進行早餐 Breakfast
All day| Spa Treatment / 自由時間 Free Time / 曼陀羅繪畫或編織 Mandala Drawing or Knitting
18:30 | 可可儀式及退休完結感恩儀式 The art of gathering workshop & Caco Ceremony & Closing Ceremony
19:00 | 晚餐 Dinner
Hotel: The Blue Water Hotel & Spa (or Similar)
Breakfast:In Hotel Lunch:- Dinner:In Hotel
D7 瑜伽退修酒店 - 科倫坡 - 機場 Yoga Retreat Hotel - Colombo - Airport
09:00 | 進行早餐及早上自由時間 Breakfast & Free Time
12:00 | 體驗千與千尋海邊小火車 Coastal Train Journey
13:00 | 午餐 Lunch
14:00 | 科倫坡城市觀光,走訪當地小店 Colombo City tour
18:30 | 晚餐 Dinner
Transfer to Airport according to your flight time
Hotel: The Blue Water Hotel & Spa (or Similar)
Breakfast:In Hotel Lunch:Local Restaurant Dinner:Local Restaurant
D8 機場 - 您的家 CMB Airport - Your Home