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Sri Lanka 
New Year Transformation Yoga Wellness Retreat

尋找生命的節奏 - 斯里蘭卡跨年 瑜伽.療癒.轉化之旅

2024 Tour : 26th DEC 2024 - 3rd JAN 2025
025 Tour : April (Date to be confirmed)



尋找生命的節奏 - 斯里蘭卡跨年瑜伽.療癒.轉化之旅

purify & realign
BODY , MIND & Spirit

 Leisure x Wellness Retreat

We believe healing happens when we show up authentically to understand and accept ourselves fully.

This leisure x yoga retreat not only gives you a chance to explore Sri Lanka in yogi's perspective & rythum,  
but also facilitate the flow of 'maha prana' (supreme life force) ,
so as to purifies and realigns your body, mind & spirit.

We invite you to show up as yourself and let us hold space for you to flourish.

明確的 跨年 wellness retreat 靜修營主題

我們將透過探索針對身體各種經絡的自我療癒技巧,從而淨化並重新調整身心靈,以促進「至高生命力」(Maha Prana)的流動。通過這些實踐,我們希望引領每位旅人尋找屬於自己生命的最佳節奏。


Clear Objectives in this New Year's Eve Transformation Journey

This wellness retreat purifies and realigns the body, mind, and spirit. We will explore self-healing techniques that target various meridians in the body to facilitate the flow of 'maha prana' (supreme life force).


Integrated Yoga & Mind-Body Spiritual Workshops


以 Bhakti Kriya Yoga Sound Meditation 及其他身心靈療癒工作坊, 來引領您在新的一年尋找到合適自己的生命能量流動與節奏

Using Bhakti Kriya Yoga, Sound Meditation, and other mind-body-spirit healing workshops, we aim to guide you in finding the appropriate flow and rhythm of life energy that suits you in the new year. 

奉愛轉化瑜伽 Bhakti Kriya Yoga

奉愛(Bhakti)是對自我內在更高智慧的虔誠奉獻。奉愛轉化瑜伽Bhakti Kriya Yoga 旨在通過身心靈的綜合性修煉,清除身體和能量體內的毒素和障礙,達到身心靈的淨化、療癒、解脫與自我實現


Bhakti Kriya Yoga serves as a potent practice that detoxifies both physical and energetic bodies, leading individuals toward self-healing and liberation. The practice incorporates breathing techniques, dynamic movements, and mantras to unlock energy channels within the body. 

聲音冥想 Sound Meditation / Sound Bath 

寧靜的空間,淨化的心靈。融化壓力, 沉浸平和。聆聽印度洋與頌缽的療癒頻率,喚醒內心的和諧. 

聲音浴,為神經和副交感系統提供深度放鬆。 透過使用一套滿月喜馬拉雅頌缽與主要脈輪對齊,原始的聲音振動滲透到整個身體.  讓身心重拾寧靜與平衡。沉浸在淨化的聲波中,找到生命的喜悅


It provides deep relaxation for the nervous and parasympathetic systems. By aligning with the main chakras using a set of full-moon Himalayan singing bowls, the pristine sound vibrations permeate the entire body, fostering inner harmony and balance. 

Release stress and immerse yourself in tranquility. Tune into the healing sounds of the Indian Ocean and singing bowls, awakening the harmony within. 

Special New Year's Eve Ceremonies, Rituals & Activities

Intention setting for the New Year 為來年確立新目標

Agni Hotra ( Fire Ceremony for Renewal )  跨年吠陀火祭儀式 



Agnihotra is an ancient Vedic ritual derived from the ancient Vedic texts of India. It is a yogic practice that involves lighting a sacred fire and making offerings, carrying deep religious and spiritual significance. Through this fire ritual, practitioners can seek inner renewal and transcendence, achieving integration of body, mind, and spirit.

Sunrise New Year Cinnamon Tea Meditation 新年日出芳香肉桂茶冥想

在新年的第一天,在清晨日出的時刻 , 我們手捧著以斯里蘭卡盛產的肉桂調配而成的錫蘭紅茶,在香氣四溢的茶香中,靜心觀想日出,感受光明和希望的到來。同時,我們以清晰的心念專注於呼吸,漸漸進入深層的冥想狀態。



As the first light of a new year breaks through the horizon, there’s no better way to welcome fresh beginnings than with a soothing cup of Cinnamon Ceylon tea. This ritual not only celebrates the dawn of a new year but also sets a tone of mindfulness and intention.

Hold your cup of tea,  feeling its warmth seep into your hands. As the fragrant steam rises, take a moment to appreciate the rich aroma. The warm, sweet scent of Ceylon cinnamon brings a sense of comfort and grounding, perfect for reflection as the year unfolds.

New Year Sharing Circle 

踏入新的一年,讓我們在這個溫馨的分享圈中, 我們不僅能夠互相連結, 以開放和真誠的態度分享過去一年的收穫與挑戰 ,也同時充滿期待地擁抱新的一年, 走向自我成長和心靈轉化。願我們在這里找到力量,書寫屬於自己的嶄新篇章。


As we enter the new year, let’s come together in this warm sharing circle. Here, we can connect with one another and share our experiences—both the successes and challenges of the past year—with openness and sincerity. Filled with hope, we embrace the new year as we embark on a journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation. May we find strength in this space and create our own new chapters.


Japanese Peach Pagonda 或  Yatagala Temple  - Purification 聖地淨化

在斯里蘭卡的寺廟與岩洞這個療癒心靈的 聖地,透過淨化和內心修煉, 讓旅人們獲得片刻的寧靜與寬慰, 重獲調和的生命節奏


In the sacred sites of Sri Lanka’s temples and caves,  you will find a haven for the soul. Through purification and inner reflection, you can experience moments of peace and comfort, reconnecting with a harmonious rhythm of life.


temple purification.jpg

Spa 療程  Bliss Spa Treatment

從海洋與斯里蘭卡傳統養生智慧中擷取靈感的一節Spa 療程; 讓每位學員得到跟極致的身心靈放鬆

A Bliss way to get relax and recharge, a rich body warp followed with a relaxing massage and purifying bath to detoxify and rejuvenate your body and soul.

探索斯里蘭卡文化 Explore Sri Lankan Culture

位於斯里蘭卡中部,是一座著名的古代岩石堡壘和世界文化遺產。該遺址建於西元5世紀,曾是國王卡西亞帕的宮殿和防禦工事 。 攀登這座歷史悠久的岩石堡壘,您將學習如何與自然連接,感受大地的能量與力量,從巍峨的岩頂俯瞰周圍的美景,達到內心的平靜與和諧
Situated in central Sri Lanka, Sigiriya is a renowned ancient rock fortress and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Constructed in the 5th century AD, it once served as the palace and defensive stronghold of King Kasyapa.
As you ascend this historic rock fortress, you'll discover how to connect with nature, feeling the earth's energy and strength. From the breathtaking summit, take in stunning views of the surrounding landscape, allowing yourself to reach a state of inner peace and harmony.

The Temple of the Tooth is a sacred Buddhist temple that houses the relic of Buddha's tooth, symbolizing the faith and culture of Buddhism. Here, you can experience a profound religious atmosphere and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Sri Lanka. You will feel the spiritual energy surrounding you while gaining insight into the country's beliefs and traditions.

▍錫蘭茶廠 Ceylon Tea Factory
At the tea factory, you can learn about the tea-picking and production processes, tasting a variety of flavorful teas that showcase the unique charm of tea culture. Visiting the factory allows you to enjoy delicious tea while gaining insight into Sri Lanka's rich history and traditions.

▍加勒 Galle Fort + 高橋漁夫 Stilt Fishing 
加勒(Galle Fort)是斯里蘭卡南部的歷史名城,以其保存完好的殖民建築而聞名。漫步在古老的堡壘內,您可以欣賞到壯麗的海景和豐富的歷史遺跡。 高蹺漁夫(Stilt Fishing)是當地獨特的捕魚方式,漁民們在海岸的高蹺上釣魚,形成了美麗的畫面。

Galle Fort is a historic city located in southern Sri Lanka, known for its well-preserved colonial architecture. As you stroll through the ancient fortress, you can enjoy stunning ocean views and explore rich historical sites. 

Stilt fishing is a unique local fishing method where fishermen balance on stilts along the coast, creating a picturesque scene. Observing this traditional technique allows you to experience the unique charm of Sri Lankan culture and the harmonious relationship with nature.

▍科倫坡 Colombo City Tour

Quality Accommodation and Dining Arrangements

入住名建築師 Geoffrey Bawa 酒店 

 Staying in Designer Hotel - by Famous Architect - Geoffrey Bawa  (5 Nights) 

翻開亞洲建築師名冊,杰弗裡·巴瓦(Geoffrey Bawa)是一個無法繞開的名字。他是斯里蘭卡最多產和最具影響力的建築師,被譽為“斯里蘭卡之光”。在斯里蘭卡,巴瓦設計越來越成為一道道不可錯過的風景。他的建築作品是斯里蘭卡傳統和現代相結合的樣板建築,自成體系,從歐美現代建築的角度來看,雖然採用現代建築的手法,卻沒有太多刻板的教條。的空間特質,大膽地將許多工藝品,織布,民俗家具,雕塑,水池,植栽,岩石等元素安排在建築中,可以說開啟了亞洲現代建築中“混搭”(Mashup)的風格。這種風格的形成肯定和巴瓦個人的多國混血背景有相當大的關係


The Sri Lankan Architect Geoffrey Bawa is now regarded as having been one of the most important and influential Asian architects of the twentieth century. The Blue Water Wadduwa holds an iconic positioning as one Of Geoffrey Bawa’s Finest Architectural Expressions, reflecting his undeniable sensitivity to nature and light.

Bawa deconstructs the barriers between interior design and landscape architecture, making The Blue Water another example of Bawa’s minimalist style. His use of space, lengthy corridors, open views, use of water, terracotta tiles and frangipani trees make this location icon in his repertoire.

其他特色酒店 Other Quality Hotels

特色用餐 Meals

Schedule 日程

D1  抵達斯里蘭卡 – 尼甘部入住酒店  Arrival Sri Lanka - Hotel at Negombo

 按航班時間 晚上抵達斯里蘭卡科倫坡機場, 由當地導遊及遊旅專車接送往尼甘部酒店入住。  當晚如需晚餐, 請個旅人敬請自理

  • On your arrival in Sri Lanka, you will be met at the airport by our chauffeur/guide and transferred to Negombo

  • Hotel check-in , relax and enjoy your free time


Hotel: Heritance Negombo ( or Similar )

Breakfast : -                   Lunch: -                         Dinner: -

D2  尼甘部 – 西格里亞  Negmobo -  Sigiriya

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • 與精品酒店享用精緻西式午餐

  • 遊覽 世界文化遺產 、有世界第八大奇跡之稱的 【 獅子岩】

  • 遊覽 完畢後,前往酒店休息

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • Tailor-made lunch at Luxury Boutique Hotel

  • UNESCO Sigiriya Lion Rock

  • Transfer to Hotel

 Hotel: Cinnamon Lodge (or Similar)

Breakfast:In Hotel              Lunch:Water Garden  Sigiriya                      Dinner:In Hotel

D3   西格里亞 - 康提  Sigiriya - Kandy 

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • 遊覽 世界文化遺產 【 聖城康提 】 佛牙寺 及 康提湖

  • 酒店日式餐

  • 親手製作斯里蘭卡傳統木雕面具 ,  創作屬於自己的藝術作品,釋放內心的創造力

  • 遊覽 完畢後,前往酒店休息

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • UNESCO Kandy - Kandy Tooth Temple & Kandy Lake

  • Japanese lunch in Hotel

  • DIY Sri Lanka Traditional Wooden Mask

  • Transfer to Hotel


Hotel: Earls Regency  (or Similar)

Breakfast:In Hotel              Lunch:Japanese Cuisine in Hotel                     Dinner:In Hotel

D4   康提  - 西南部海邊  Kandy - SW Beach 

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • 遊覽 錫蘭茶廠 , 瞭解舉世聞名的錫蘭紅茶的製作過程

  • 當地風味餐

  •  前往西南部海濱酒店,自由活動 / 第一批客人享用酒店 Spa 療程

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • Visit Ceylon Tea Factory

  • Lunch at local restaurant 

  • Transfer to Beach Hotel, enjoy leisure time / 1st batch of guests enjoy Spa Treatment 


Hotel:The Blue Water Hotel & Resort  (or Similar)

Breakfast:In Hotel              Lunch:local Restaurant                Dinner:In Hotel

D5  西南部海邊  SW Beach Yoga Retreat

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • 迎新及開幕式及新年目標設定

  • 冥想

  • 酒店内午餐

  • 下午奉愛瑜伽

  • 撰寫日記/内省/自由活動 / 第二批客人享用酒店 Spa 療程

  • 酒店内晚餐

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • Orientation & Opening ceremony & Intention setting for the New Year

  • Meditation 

  • Lunch at Hotel

  • Afternoon Bhakti Yoga

  • Enjoy leisure time / Journaling & self-reflection /  2nd batch of guests enjoy Spa Treatment 


Hotel:The Blue Water Hotel & Resort  (or Similar)

Breakfast:In Hotel              Lunch:In Hotel                   Dinner:In Hotel

D6  西南部海邊  SW Beach Yoga Retreat​​

  • 日出調息冥想

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • 奉愛轉化瑜伽瑜伽

  • 酒店内午餐

  • 下午睡眠瑜伽

  • 撰寫日記/内省/自由活動 / 第三批客人享用酒店 Spa 療程

  • 酒店内新年晚宴

  • 跨年吠陀火祭儀式

  • Sunrise Pranayama Meditation

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • Late morning Bhakti Kriya Yoga

  • Lunch at Hotel

  • Afternoon Yoga Nidra

  • Enjoy leisure time / Journaling & self-reflection /  3rd batch of guests enjoy Spa Treatment 

  • New Year Dinner at Hotel

  • Agni Hotra (Fire Ceremony for Renewal)


Hotel:The Blue Water Hotel & Resort  (or Similar)

Breakfast:In Hotel                Lunch:In Hotel                 Dinner:In Hotel

D7  西南部海邊  SW Beach Yoga Retreat​​

  • 新年日出芳香肉桂茶冥想

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • 奉愛轉化瑜伽瑜伽

  • 酒店内午餐

  • 下午聲音浴

  • 撰寫日記/内省/自由活動 / 第四批客人享用酒店 Spa 療程

  • 酒店内晚餐

  •  New Year Sharing Circle

  • Sunrise New Year Cinnamon Tea Meditation

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • Late morning Bhakti Kriya Yoga

  • Lunch at Hotel

  • Afternoon Sound Meditation

  • Enjoy leisure time / Journaling & self-reflection /  4th batch of guests enjoy Spa Treatment 

  • Dinner at Hotel

  • New Year Sharing Circle


Hotel:The Bue Water Hotel & Resort  (or Similar)

Breakfast:In Hotel              Lunch:In Hotel             Dinner:In Hotel

D8  西南部海邊  SW Beach Yoga Retreat

  • 日出調息冥想

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • 高蹺漁夫

  • 酒店内午餐

  • 遊覽 世界文化遺產 【加勒】古城

  • 聖地淨化

  • 當地餐廳晚餐

  • 晚上聲音浴

  • Sunrise Pranayama Meditation

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • Stilt Fishing

  • Lunch at local restaurant

  • UNESCO Galle Fort

  • Japanese Peach Pagonda or Yatagala Temple  - Purification

  • Dinner at loca restaurant

  • Sound Bath at night


Hotel:The Bue Water Hotel & Resort  (or Similar)

Breakfast:In Hotel              Lunch:In Local Restaurant          Dinner:In Local Restaurant

D9  西南部海邊  SW Beach Yoga Retreat​​

  • 日出調息冥想

  • 酒店享用自助早餐  

  • Hugs & Goodbye

  • 海上小火車

  • 設計師餐廳午餐

  • 遊覽 科倫坡

  • 精品酒店餐廳晚餐

  • 送機

  • Sunrise Pranayama Meditation

  • Buffet Breakfast in Hotel

  • Hugs & Goodbye

  • Costal Train Journey

  • Lunch at Designer's restaurant

  • Colombo City Tour

  • Dinner at Boutique Hotel

  • Airport



Breakfast:In Hotel              Lunch:Gallery Cafe           Dinner:Tintagel Colombo

Teachers : 

FLO .png

Namaste. Flo's transformative journey in yoga and meditation began 20 years ago as a dedicated practitioner. She eventually earned certification as a Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher after completing a year of intensive study in India. Specializing in Kriya Yoga, she is also trained as a meditation facilitator, cranial sacral therapist, and Qi Gong practitioner.


Flo has shared her teachings globally, offering Bhakti Kriya Yoga, Meditation, Sound Baths, and Agni Hotra in various serene locations. From Bali (including Bali Silent Retreat, Eco Swasti, Lumeria and Yoga Barn) to India (Maha Bodhi Yoga and Meditation Centre in Ladakh), Sri Lanka (Prana Lounge, Ulpotha World Class Retreat), to Borneo (Gaya Island Resort), and workshops in the U.S. (hosted in downtown San Francisco).

Previous Wellness Retreat:

*以上行程中的 Yoga Retreat、 餐食、酒店、 景點等圖片,因不同 Retreat 主題、場地及合作單位的不同、拍攝技術及當天情況等因素而與實際情況不同, 敬請各旅人理解。謝謝! 

*The images of the yoga retreat, meals, accommodations, and attractions in the itinerary may differ from the actual experience due to variations in retreat themes, venues, collaborating partners, photography techniques, and conditions on the day of the event. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you!

尋找生命的節奏 - 斯里蘭卡跨年瑜伽.療癒.轉化之旅

Tour Fee 團費
( 斯里蘭卡當地集合):

USD 3050 / HKD 23,650 per person  
*This tour is operated with our Taiwan partner, Taiwanese Tour Leader will be attached to the tour in Sri Lanka
** This tour is conducted in both English and Mandarine 

限時優惠 Special Discount: 
USD 65 / HKD500  per person
( 不可與其他優惠同時使用 )

You are entitled to enjoy the captioned discount, if..........

1)  Enroll before 1st OCT 2024 , OR
2)  二人同行 2 Accompany package (2pax go together)
3)參加我們旅行團的旅人 Member who has joined our tour before
**The above special discount cannot be used together with other discounts or special offers. 

費用説明 Package Details
包含行程列出的 Including the following listed in itinerary:
1、2人一間住宿用房 Standard Room shared by 2pax
2、用餐 Meals
3、活動及景點門票  Activities & tickets
4、用車及司機  Vehicles & Driver
5、斯里蘭卡當地英文導遊  English Speaking Local Guide
6、台灣國語領隊  Taiwanese Tour Leader 

不包含 Not Including the following:

1、 來回香港 (或您的出發地)與斯里蘭卡之機票  2ways ticket to Sri Lanka & your destination
2、 行程列出的自理用餐及不包含之用餐 Meal(s) not included in itinerary or listed taken care by yourself
3、 行程沒有包含的活動、自費活動 (如有)Activities not listed in itinerary or any expense incurred during free time
4、 簽証 (如適用)Sri Lanka Visa (if any)
5、 旅行保險  Travel Insurance
6、 景區工作人員、酒店、餐廳、機場及各類交通工具之行李生之服務 Service fees for staff, tourist sites, hotels, restaurants, airports and bellhops terminated at each airport etc.
7、 因交通阻延、罷工、颱風或其他突發情況而非本公司所 能控制而引致之額外費用Additional expenses incurred due to traffic delays, strikes, typhoons, or other unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of our company.
8、 旅行保險 Travel Insurance


#srilanka  #斯里蘭卡  #yogaretreat  #瑜伽

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